Parking Management SaaS Platform Case Study

Client Story

Silex Lab was a camera-based automated parking management solution provider. They had a basic version of their software product supporting automated parking management that they wanted to extend and migrate to the SaaS system.

Business Case

Managing car parking involves lots of effort and manual operations. Silex Lab had taken up that challenged and built a camera-based automated parking management solution that can help reduce manual efforts in managing the parking.

To implement the proposed system, a basic version of the web application was also built to manage various operations and generate reports. After reaching a certain stage of the business, the company felt software development is not their core expertise and they will need to partner with experts to extend the features and convert it to SaaS (Multi-tenancy) system so that it can be re-used for multiple parking.

CEO of Silex Lab found us online and contacted us for possible collaboration. The Facile Technolab team like the idea and teamed up to start helping them.


Some of the key challenges identified are:

  • Re-architecting the existing solution and re-use the maximum of the existing features to keep cost in control.
  • Integrating with various hardware and facilitate services that can identify the car, allocate or de-allocate parking on entry and exit
  • Highly responsive and real-time processing of the services called by hardware to avoid delays in user experience
  • Easy to use interface and managing all parking administration related operations


Facile Technolab worked with Silex Lab for six months and completed the project. Here are the key highlights of the provided solution:

  • Agile product development approach to iteratively deliver product features
  • Used Angularjs with bootstrap in the front end
  • Used ASP.NET MVC, ServiceStack, MySQL database, and related technology stack to build a multi-tenant (SaaS) enabled solution.
  • Used AWS S3 for storing, processing, and retrieving car images, parking slots, and other legal and critical auditing requirements.
  • Sprint wise deliveries, interactive sprint demo sessions, and continues feedback and enhancements helped us create MVP The Result


  • At the end of the project, the proposed features were delivered with SaaS (Multi-tenant) capabilities.
  • All the hardware integrations worked 100% successfully.
  • Identification of car, allocation of parking, de-allocation of parking, etc. worked smoothly.

Technologies & Tools

Angular DotNET DotNET Core and Angular


Product Development Services Hire Dedicated Resources SaaS Development

Client Feedback

" The work provided by Facile Technolab Pvt Ltd satisfied all project stakeholder requirements, helping to present a working MVP to their third-party client. Though the business did not take off in the end, their team provided all of their work within relevant budget and timeline constraints. "

- Former CEO, Silex Lab Hong Kong

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