7 Tips while contracting with offshore custom software development company

In this article, we'll explore the top things to include in a contract with an offshore custom software development company to ensure a successful partnership.

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7 Tips while contracting with offshore custom software development company

  • Prashant Lakhlani
  • Thursday, March 9, 2023

In this article, we'll explore the top things to include in a contract with an offshore custom software development company to ensure a successful partnership.

In today's global marketplace, offshore custom software development has become an increasingly popular solution for businesses looking to reduce costs and leverage expertise from around the world. However, working with an offshore development company can come with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to drafting a contract that protects both parties' interests.

In this article, we'll explore the top things to include in a contract with an offshore custom software development company to ensure a successful partnership.

To ensure a successful agreement, here are the top 7 things to include in your contract:

1. Scope of work.

Clearly define the scope of work, including the project goals, timelines, and deliverables. This should also include a breakdown of each phase of the project, outlining what will be completed and when. This will help avoid any misunderstandings about the project's expectations and deliverables..

2. Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights should be clearly outlined in the contract. This includes who owns the code, any patents or copyrights, and what happens to the intellectual property at the end of the project. It's important to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the ownership of any intellectual property developed during the project

3. Confidentiality and Data Protection

The contract should clearly outline how the offshore development company will handle sensitive data and confidential information. This includes any data privacy regulations that may apply, such as GDPR or CCPA. It's important to ensure that the offshore company has appropriate measures in place to protect confidential data.

4. Payment Terms.

Agree on payment terms that clearly describe when payments are due and how much of the total cost will be paid upon completion.

The contract should include the payment structure, including the payment schedule, pricing, and any penalties for late payments. The invoicing process should also be clearly defined, outlining what information should be included in each invoice, and how and when invoices will be submitted.

5. Quality Assurance

Quality assurance should be a top priority in any software development project. The contract should clearly define the quality assurance process, including any testing and review procedures, and what happens if there are any defects or errors in the final product.

6. Maintenance & Support Plan

Discuss how issues or bugs will be handled after the software development is complete. This is important as most of the software starts seeing serious performance issues after acquiring considerably moderate load in the production environment and start doing the actual work for the purpose it's built form.

7. Termination and Dispute Resolution

In the event that the partnership does not work out, the contract should outline the process for termination and any associated fees. It's also important to include a dispute resolution process, including any applicable laws or jurisdictions.


In conclusion, a well-drafted contract is crucial for any successful offshore custom software development partnership. By including these seven key elements in your contract, you can help ensure a successful project that meets both parties' expectations and goals.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the key considerations when contracting with an offshore custom software development company?

When contracting with an offshore custom software development company, it's essential to consider aspects like scope of work, intellectual property rights, confidentiality, payment terms, quality assurance, maintenance, and dispute resolution.

Why is defining the scope of work important in a software development contract?

Defining the scope of work is crucial to ensure clarity regarding project goals, timelines, and deliverables, preventing misunderstandings and setting clear expectations.

What should be covered in the section regarding intellectual property rights in the contract?

The section on intellectual property rights should specify code ownership, patents, copyrights, and what happens to intellectual property at the project's conclusion.

How should confidentiality and data protection be addressed in the contract?

The contract should outline how sensitive data and confidential information will be handled, complying with data privacy regulations like GDPR or CCPA and ensuring appropriate measures are in place.

What should be included in the payment terms of a software development contract?

Payment terms should describe when payments are due, the payment structure, payment schedule, pricing, and penalties for late payments, providing clarity for financial aspects of the project.

Why is quality assurance important in software development contracts?

Quality assurance ensures the final product meets the required standards. The contract should define testing and review procedures and address how defects or errors will be handled.

How can post-development issues and bugs be addressed in the contract?

The contract should include a section discussing the maintenance and support plan, which outlines how issues or bugs will be handled after the software development is complete.

What should be considered when planning for termination and dispute resolution in the contract? The contract should outline the process for terminating the partnership and associated fees if the partnership doesn't work out. It should also specify the method of dispute resolution and applicable laws or jurisdictions.

How can a well-drafted contract contribute to a successful offshore custom software development partnership?

A well-drafted contract ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of expectations and responsibilities, reducing the risk of disputes and helping to achieve a successful project.

What are the advantages of offshore custom software development in the global marketplace? Offshore custom software development allows businesses to reduce costs and access expertise from around the world, making it an increasingly popular solution for companies seeking to stay competitive in the global market.

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